
Mail aus VBA via MAPI verschicken

   API-Aufrufe in VBA
 VBA und Lotus Notes
aktiv aktiv VBA und Mail
 Mailen via API
 Mailen via Lotus Notes
aktiv  Mailen via MAPI
 Inside VBAIDE
 Von Word nach Outlook
   Word2007 (RibbonX)
   Word2010 (RibbonX)
   Links zu VB(A)
   Netport Express XL
   Impressum & Kontakt
Getestet unter Word97Getestet unter Word2000  
Makro/Datei speichern

Eine weitere Möglichkeit, aus Word bzw. VBA heraus eine Mail zu verschicken, ist die Verwendung der MAPI-Schnittstelle (Messaging Application Program Interface).
Dazu wird eine Verbindung zum MAPI-Client über das Objekt "mapi.session" hergestellt.
Aschließend werden alle benötigten Angaben abgefragt und in den Objekt-Eigenschaften eingetragen, bevor es mit der Methode .send über den MAPI-Client verschickt wird.

Sub MapiSendMail() 
   Dim objSession As Object
   Dim objMessage As Object
   Dim objRecipient As Object
   Dim sProfile As String 
   Dim sSubjPrmpt As String 
   Dim sTextPrmpt As String 
   Dim sEmailPrmpt As String 
   Dim sMsgTitle As String 
   ' Leaving sProfile equal to Null will 
   ' force the user to select which Mapi 
   ' profile to use. To keep from being 
   ' prompted, you must supply a valid 
   ' user profile. 
   sProfile = ""
   sEmailPrmpt = "Enter valid Email Name of message recipient:"
   sSubjPrmpt = "Enter the subject line for this message:"
   sTextPrmpt = "Enter the text for this message:"
   sMsgTitle = "Mapi Macro Example"
   ' Create the Session Object. 
   Set objSession = CreateObject("mapi.session")
   ' Log on using the session object. 
   ' Specify a valid profile name if you want to 
   ' avoid the logon dialog box. 
   objSession.Logon profileName:=sProfile
   ' Add a new message object to the OutBox. 
   Set objMessage = objSession.Outbox.Messages.Add
   ' Set the properties of the message object. 
   objMessage.Subject = InputBox(sSubjPrmpt, sMsgTitle)
   objMessage.Text = InputBox(sTextPrmpt, sMsgTitle)
   ' Add a recipient object to the objMessage.Recipients collection. 
   Set objRecipient = objMessage.Recipients.Add
   ' Set the properties of the recipient object. 
   objRecipient.Name = InputBox(sEmailPrmpt, sMsgTitle)
   ' Send the message. Setting showDialog to False 
   ' sends the message without displaying the message 
   ' or requiring user intervention. A setting of True 
   ' displays the message and the user must choose 
   ' to Send from within the message dialog. 
   objMessage.Send showDialog:=False 
   MsgBox "Message sent successfully!"
   ' Log off using the session object. 
End Sub

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